Niko dips into Samson: Bible stories faithfully retold have educational value as well as helping readers of all ages to reflect on moral and spiritual realities
Ancient stories for young minds
Eleven-year-old Niko loves to read and the book which he found in his shoebox promised to be a real page-turner. Samson – the Strong Man’s Strength recounts the adventures of the Old Testament hero from the book of Judges. Specially printed in five east European languages, it was the book for children in last year’s boxes. For Ukraine, Jesus the Promised Child was printed instead, as Blythswood’s partners there felt that that the war-like content in Samson’s story was inappropriate for children having to endure the present-day crisis.
Each year, Blythswood inserts into the shoeboxes a book for children, a testimony booklet for teenagers or a Words of Life calendar from the Trinitarian Bible Society with Bible verses for adults. This year the book for children retells the story of Job, renowned for his patience, while Turning Point contains the testimony of Ebbie Israel from Delhi. Each item is produced in Albanian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian and Ukrainian.