Blythswood News

Number 82 Summer 2023

That personal touch really does change lives

For 30 years Blythswood Care has been delivering your lovingly-filled shoeboxes to some of the poorest people in Europe.

At different times and in different countries I have seen for myself just how much your gifts are appreciated, and how much joy they bring.

Whether it’s a barefoot child who has never before received a Christmas present, or an elderly person who is struggling to stay warm in winter, these shoeboxes really make their day.

Since our first Shoe Box Appeal in 1993 we have sent more than 2.5 million boxes – each one different, each one personal, each one an expression of your care and kindness towards a stranger in need.

That personal touch really does change lives. Soap and new underwear help restore a sense of dignity. More than that – especially for older people – the kindness of a friend they’ve never met can really warm the heart. In each box we include a Bible story for children, a booklet for teens or a calendar for adults to share the love of Jesus who hears the prayers of each of us.

Will you fill a box for Blythswood’s 2023 Shoe Box Appeal? I’m counting on you! Thank you very much indeed.

James Campbell
Chief Executive

“This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.” Psalm 34:6

That personal touch really does change lives

For 30 years Blythswood Care has been delivering your lovingly-filled shoeboxes to some of the poorest people in Europe.

At different times and in different countries I have seen for myself just how much your gifts are appreciated, and how much joy they bring.

Whether it’s a barefoot child who has never before received a Christmas present, or an elderly person who is struggling to stay warm in winter, these shoeboxes really make their day.

Since our first Shoe Box Appeal in 1993 we have sent more than 2.5 million boxes – each one different, each one personal, each one an expression of your care and kindness towards a stranger in need.

That personal touch really does change lives. Soap and new underwear help restore a sense of dignity. More than that – especially for older people – the kindness of a friend they’ve never met can really warm the heart. In each box we include a Bible story for children, a booklet for teens or a calendar for adults to share the love of Jesus who hears the prayers of each of us.

Will you fill a box for Blythswood’s 2023 Shoe Box Appeal? I’m counting on you! Thank you very much indeed.

James Campbell
Chief Executive

“This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.” Psalm 34:6

Elena’s smile is a picture

Elena’s smile is a picture

Elena* shows her delight at finding baby clothes when boxes from Blythswood’s 2022 Shoe Box Appeal were delivered to a state-run home in northwest Romania which helps vulnerable single mothers to support their new-born infants.

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