Surrounded by boxes of aid, Pastor Kolea (in the striped jacket) takes a baptismal class in Ternopil
Gospel outreach to disorientated people in Ukraine
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Mykola Semenov, better known as Pastor Kolea, understands only too well the griefs and troubles of the people whom he tries to help – he and his wife and family are themselves fugitives from the war in eastern Ukraine.
Seven years ago, they and other families planted the Philadelphia Church in Ternopil, a church which has helped thousands of displaced families in that time.
Sorina Pop who works for Elpis Foundation knows the Semenov family well. “They have experienced the trauma of separation from family and the loss of everything – homes, goods, churches, friends and jobs,” she says. She has observed the congregation grow to 75 members, with a Sunday attendance of 140.
Last year Pastor Kolea planted a second church in another part of the city, and already it gathers about 70 people to a Sunday service. Strong Faith Bible Church also operates as a refugee centre, helping as many as 1,000 people every month, and with a special ministry to children and teenagers.
“Kolea is a church planter who loves people,” Sorina says. “Blythswood’s support covers the day-to-day needs of the Semenov family, and encourages Kolea in his dedication to bring gospel hope to disorientated and lonely people. People scattered from many places find safety in the community of Christians at Strong Faith Bible Church in Ternopil.”