With no family to support him, Georgy was amazed by the kindness of strangers who prepared for him a box full of useful gifts

Ukrainian evacuee touched by your kindness

Sixty-seven-year-old Georgy has been used to a life of hardship. He was stealing coal from railway wagons in order to heat his home when he fell off, was hit by a train and lost both legs below the knee. This meant he was helpless and immobile when the shells started to fall around his home in eastern Ukraine and he had to be evacuated.

With no relatives or family to support him, he was taken to a place of refuge run by Christians in the district of Khmelnytskyi, between Kyiv and the Romanian border. There he heard the gospel for the first time. And there, just days before the Ukrainian Christmas, he received the box of gifts which you had prepared for him.

“It was the first time he had ever received a Christmas present,” says shoebox distributor Tanya Shpygunova. “The kindness of the people who filled it really touched him. The hat and gloves are especially useful because he has no extra clothing to keep him warm.”