Invergordon bibles change lives at sea
Since the day when Jonah told the seamen of Tarshish to throw him overboard, ships at sea have long been places where the reality of God breaks through
Since the day when Jonah told the seamen of Tarshish to throw him overboard, ships at sea have long been places where the reality of God breaks through
Milan is a reader and a thinker. While teaching law at a university, he also works from time to time as a translator, being fully conversant with English and
The harsh reality of Britain’s cost of living crisis means that people in work are likely to be referred to foodbanks. That was the experience of Paula and David
Underwater hockey anyone? Yes, it’s a thing. And it’s what Blythswood’s fundraising manager does for fun. Neill Prentice’s acquaintance with Blythswood
Paul Algeo is Blythswood’s church engagement officer for south and central Scotland. He knows what it is to pray: “It was 2006. I had been arrested again
Nokutenda dropped out of school in form two. He had done well to get that far, as he had lost his father when he was only six years old. As the family